Location: SCM Ref BV, Westfields 1210, 5688 HA Oirschot

Training description

Date and time of the next training sessions will be announced later on this page.

Application form

Register here for the training: BECOME A NH3 SPECIALIST


The Beijer Ref Academy will offer stakeholders, contractors, service engineers and operators the opportunity to learn the benefits of the natural refrigerant ammonia. How easy ammonia can be applied in various configurations with air conditioning comfort- and refrigeration process chillers. The training focusses on how to work safe, commission and operate with the SCM Ref ammonia Chiller standard. The training module include the following topics. These modules can be configured and combined for dedicated training purposes.

Module 1: Installation, Commissioning
Module 2: Maintenance, End of live
Module 3: Hands on, Ammonia Practicum

Note: Working with ammonia installations must be done by skilled and certified personnel. For safe working with ammonia, there are training and certification programs at national level. The goal is to train specific knowledge and repeat periodically, working with ammonia, the required safety protocols, the correct tools and use of protective equipment (PPE). Certification is provided by your national training centre. The professional competence certificate ammonia module takes about 2 to 4 training days.


    First name*

    Last name*

    Street name + house number*

    Postal code*


    Phone number*

    Email address*

    Yes, i want to sign up to 3 persons extra?

    Name extra person 1*

    Email extra person 1*

    Name extra person 2*

    Email extra person 2*

    Name extra person 3*

    Email extra person 3*

    Choose module

    Module 1: Installation, CommissioningModule 2: Maintenance, End of liveModule 3: Hands on, Ammonia Practicum
