Standaard NH3-koeltechnische productlijn SCM Ref

Standard NH3 Chiller line

For more information about our product range…

Belangrijkste voordelen van ammoniak SCM Ref

Key benefits of Ammonia

Many industrial refrigeration systems use ammonia as refrigerant…

SCM REF NH3-Chillers

Features and benefits

SCM REF NH3 chillers are designed to be service friendly…

Capaciteiten luchtgekoelde, watergekoelde, AC-chillers en Process Chillers SCM Ref

Capacity ranges

Air-cooled and water-cooled capacities, AC Chillers and Process Chillers…

SCM Ref Assembly

SCM Ref is the independent assembly facility for the Beijer Ref companies. Experienced in Industrial grade design and build quality.

We are specialized in the design and building of ammonia packaged units and have supplied numerous custom-made racks, which have been dispatched to Beijer Ref customers worldwide.
